Palmyra Temple

Palmyra Temple

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Snow, Snow, Snow

Well it has been a very interesting week with some exciting things!I'm trying to think about what has happened this week because it has flown by! So my first P-day (last week) was good we cleaned shopped and did our laundry at the laundry mat down the street. We then went to the church in Amherst emailed and played basketball and ordered tons of pizza and wings because it was too cold to go outside. Then we split back up and went back to our areas. Elder Willis and I went to a recent converts had dinner and FHE with them, we played the electronic version of life and Sister Y found out that I was GF and she made GF brownies (I was so happy). And the Bishops wife is GF and so is the elders quorum president so I have not had a horrible time with regards to never seeing a GF food again haha We went to the palmyra temple on Friday and it was amazing I loved it! Very small but just as amazing as any other temple. Looking into the sacred grove from the clear window was simply incredible and the snow is beautiful (when your not in it) and when it is just lightly falling in huge chunks. The young men's president in our Ward drove us the hour and forty minute drive to the temple and then took us out to lunch afterwords before heading back he is awesome. Later the older high priest group leader who went with us said that when they were first married every time they wanted to go the temple they would make the trek out to Utah, then they went to the Washington DC temple, and now they have the Palmyra temple two hours away and it is such a blessing! I LOVE THE TEMPLE SO MUCH! We had been talking with a lady who had committed to baptism with the other Elders before we came in but has been having things come up. We could never get into see her so we were starting to think we'll great she probably is going to drop us soon when I had the feeling that service was the way that we would get into see her, so late in the afternoon we stopped by and what did we do of course? Shovel. We shoveled that 3 feet off her driveway like it was nobody's business. Then right as we started to drive away the husband comes out looks around and motions for us to come in. (Elder Willis and I looked at each other with the slightest grins haha), we got in, got to know them, and are teaching them tomorrow! :D I swear shoveling is the best because we have met more people through it than any other thing we do. We counted up the money we would have made if we would have taken people's offers and it was like a hundred and fifty dollars in one afternoon! But we would just say no thanks but here is a card to learn more about us:)

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